Top 3 Social Media sites

Social media plays an important role in modern society. Social media is just like a bridge with connect people sitting in tow different areas. Fallowing are the top 3 social media sites.


In the present ranking of all social
Facebook:Top 3 Social Media sites

 media,Facebook is on the 1st 
position among all other social
 media sites. Over 900+ million
 peoples are using Facebook.
Facebook used to connect you 
with your family, friends, group
 and business. Basic purpose of
 Facebook is to share information
 with friends, chatting, finding schools and collages, promote business, Entertainment, boredom killer and reconnect  you with 
your older & lost friends.

 You can create chat groups to chat with your friends to stay in contact and instead of using Skype, Facebook have provided access  making audio and video calls to your friends and family. You can create your business pages to promote your business on Facebook and contact to those people who are interested in your business. If you saw any interesting information and you want to share it with your friends, Facebook give you an access to share it on Facebook. We can also use Facebook on our smart phones.

Facebook on mobile:Top 3 Social Media sites
Facebook on mobile

Twitter is a type of micro blogging
Twitter:Top 3 Social Media sites
 website because you can tweet to
 a limited characters. Under 140
 characters you can tweet on twitter.
 There are more then 200+ million
 peoples using twitter. It is much 
secured then Facebook, twitter account cannot be easily hacked, that's why almost all famous celebrities, politicians
and news channels use twitter to share their personal, interesting information and give massages to their followers.All types of people and from all categories are using  twitter.

This platform is to connect people with interesting feed of their own choice. They can follow account in which they are interested and also people can follow you on twitter. Through twitter you can also promote your business.

Just like Facebook you can also use twitter on your smart phones and gives you a notification on your mobile NO. about the current feeds.

Twitter on smart phone
Twitter on smart phone

LinkedIn is different from Facebook and

LinkedIn:Top 3 Social Media sites

 twitter. LinkedIn is on NO. third ranking. On LinkedIn you can create in depth professional, education, profile experience and tour company. LinkedIn is considered as "the place to find and be found". 
LinkedIn is a professional playground for professional connection. if you are interested to engage the professional community and the decision maker, then LinkedIn is the place to play. On LinkedIn make your own target list to which you want to meet.

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